
This is my way of keeping you all up to date with everything that is new at Urban Piercings, as well as my own thoughts on everything to do with body piercing. Hopefully it'll make for a good read, so bear with me ok?!
Please FEEL FREE TO COMMENT! The more the merrier!

26 Mar 2009

Of angel wings and surface piercings

I wouldn't normally post a picture of a fresh surface piercing, it can be horribly off putting, but with these I think I can make an exception!

They may not look so hot now but I have high hopes. The piercings all went smoothly and I sent him on his way, with strict aftercare guidelines and demands of regular checkups, to the local health food shop for some zinc and arnica.
So why do I like these so much? The guy came in with a mind for two straight and very geometrical surface piercings. We ummed and we ahhed and decided to throw a bit of shape and curve into the mix. I like these so much because they simply would not work with most people. That makes them individual, and that makes them special.
Oh, and the title. Kinda looks like them, doesn't it?

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